blog or not to blog...
Cooper is growing by leaps and bounds! I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue keeping a blog since no one really reads it and it takes up a lot of time. But as Cooper gets older and changes every day, I am realizing how important it is to document everything for myself. On the plane ride back from California this August I was watching Cooper staring out the window, then playing peek-a-boo with the woman sitting behind us through the seat, and those sweet, small things are what I especially do not want to forget. So here again I will attempt to keep a consistent blog of our life! So here's a quick update since May:
I finished up the school year, sad to be leaving for good, but glad to be back home with my Coopie! Grammie came to stay for a few days to give Jeff and me a break for our 6th anniversary! She was so happy to see her baby! We went to Austin and went kayaking, out to a nice meal, and caught up on our sleep! Auntie Mish kept Grammie company for the weekend.
I am officially a stay at home mom! Although, it just feels like summer break kind of. Cooper spent the summer with lots of friends. We had a weekly play dates with Brandon, DJ, and Lily. We also got to see Leila, Kate, Ben, and Braden! I can't
wait till they can all actually play with each other! Cooper finally sat up and learned to roll over in June!

We took week long trip to California to attend my Dad's retirement party. We were so proud of him and were so happy to be there celebrating his 30 years with the California Highway Patrol! Then we took a drive to Altadenata to visit with Jeff's grandmother. Cooper enjoyed meeting his only great grandmother and Great Aunt Suzanne. We also visited Josh and Christina and got to see their new condo. After a quick stop in Long Beach to see Jeff's cousin Erica, we got to Dana Point to spend the week with my family at the beach. Cooper is officially a beach baby! He LOVED sitting under the umbrella watching the birds go by and feeling the sea air on his face. He certainly has California blood running deep through his veins! Soon after we got home from California, Cooper started crawling! So he is now a man on the go and into EVERYTHING! I am so tired trying to keep up with him, but it is so fun watching him discover new things... like how doors open and close and how the door stops spring back and forth. Cooper absolutely loves or kitten, Kit Cat. He chases him all over the house and loves to "hug" him and pull his tail and ears. We are learning what it means to be gentle... hopefully! We celebrated Jeff's 31st birthday this month. I wanted to do something special for him so I decided to attempt to cook his favorite meal... Now, I am not much of a cook, but I just followed the recipe, and it worked! Who knew!!?? Michele and Coleman came and celebrated with us, and we all really enjoyed the meal.

Well shortly after we left California in July, my mom was having Coopie withdrawals and asked if we could come back out in August... so we did. I was so nervous because Cooper was such a mess on the plane ride back last time. We was twisting and turning and wanted to be anywhere but on my lap. It was exhausting with Jeff, Michele, Coleman and myself trying to appease him, I was so scared to attempt a round trip by myself!! Luckily, both flights there and back were empty, so Cooper and I had the whole row to ourselves! Cooper really liked the airplane and flirted with all the ladies around us. While in California, we took a trip to the mountains and to the beach! It was a lot of fun!