The big day
Cooper arrived Thursday, December 18, 2008 at 8:13 p.m.
I made an appointment to be induced on December 19th, but thankfully Cooper decided to come on his own! Grandma flew in from California Wednesday night, so we said that Cooper was waiting for her to get here to make his arrival!
I had a very smooth labor. I woke up Thursday morning having some contractions, but did not realize that is what I was feeling. After a few hours I could tell this was not just cramps! Jeff came home from work and we drove to the hospital about noon.
When I arrived at the hospital I was dilated to a 5! I immediately asked for my epidural and received it about an hour later. That drug is a God-send!
I labored all day and Cooper made his debut around 8:00pm. Mom and Jeff were my coaches while Michele and Grandma Billie were watching from the wings.

He came o

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